Haberdashers' Academies Trust South

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KS3 Science Lead

**Please submit your application as soon as possible - we will interview as and when suitable candidates apply**

  • Location: Hatcham College (New Cross), London, SE14 5SF
  • Salary: U2 +TLR (£58,199 per annum + TLR)
  • Closing date: Friday 19th December 2024 @ 09:00am
  • About the role:

    As KS3 Science Lead you will  take a lead role in supporting the Head of Science in developing the curriculum and teaching in Science at Key Stage 3, We are looking for an outstanding teacher of Science with the expertise, confidence and enthusiasm to develop and raise standards of student achievement and to support student progress.

    ​If you are keen to lead change and improvement, and are committed to you own professional development needed to be successful in this role, and you have the skills, abilities and vision to become an ambassador within our college, then we would like to hear from you.​

    To apply, please send your completed application form to: hatchamhr@habstrustsouth.org.uk
  • Candidate Information Pack Candidate Application Form Criminal Self Declaration 


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