Oral Histories Project to Mark Windrush 75
Today is the 75th anniversary of the HMT Empire Windrush's arrival in Britain on 22 June 1948. Its 492 passengers, and others who arrived to the UK from Caribbean countries between 1948 and 1971, became known as the Windrush generation.
The 75th anniversary of Windrush in the UK marks a significant milestone in the country's history and highlights the enduring contributions of the Windrush generation. This momentous occasion provides an opportunity to reflect upon the struggles, resilience, and achievements of those who arrived on the HMT Empire Windrush in 1948 and subsequent years.
To mark this historic occasion and create unique learning opportunities for our children and young people, the Trust undertook an oral histories project with students and staff. Partnering with The Museum of London's Culture Mile Learning’ and Eastside Community Heritage, students and staff took part in workshops to learn how to collect oral histories.
Our Student Digital Leaders captured the oral histories of members of our school communities who were able to share the stories of relatives from the Windrush generation. These histories will be shared today across our schools in assemblies and lessons, as unique and relevant stories from our community including parents and teachers.
The importance of collecting oral histories digitally from the Windrush generation is key to preserving firsthand accounts and ensure their narratives are acknowledged and shared with future generations. These personal stories provide invaluable insights into the challenges faced by Caribbean migrants, their experiences of settlement, their cultural and social impact, as well as the systemic injustices they encountered.
By documenting these oral histories, we honour the rich heritage and diverse contributions of the Windrush generation, foster understanding, and create a platform for dialogue on immigration, identity, and social justice.