Exam Invigilator - closing 13th December @ 09:00am
- Location: Borough Academy
- Salary: Band 2, S5 on the Trust Support Staff pay scale for 2024-5 (£13.52 per hour inclusive of ILA)
- Closing date: Friday 13th December 2024 at 09:00am
- Recruitment Pack
- About the Role:
To oversee and supervise examinations and to ensure that guidelines and regulations for the integrity and security of the examination papers and procedures are followed during examination sessions. You will ensure no inappropriate items are brought into the examination hall, such as mobile phones, personal stereos, revision notes or other paperwork unless told otherwise. You will work within the Academy framework with regard to Health and Safety and promote the school’s commitment to the continued professional development of all staff.
For further details, please email: boroughhr@habstrustsouth.org.uk