Haberdashers' Academies Trust South

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The Impact on Social Media on Young Minds - A Habs Parent Partnership Initiative, May 2024

Thank you to the parents and guardians who were able to connect with us for our 'Impact of Social Media on Young Minds' events in May 2024. We've shared the presentations and other resources from these events and conversations below, including a video which highlights the advice and tips which both parents and pupils shared with us. We hope you find these useful. 

Summary Video 

Other Resources 

Presentations from the 'The Impact of Social Media on Young Minds' events: 

The Impact of Social Media on Young Minds - presentation by Year 12 pupils

Haberdashers' Digital Strategy - presentation by Gemma Lavin, Director of Strategy and Innovation 

Our Trust at a Glance - presentation by Jan Shadick, CEO

Links to Internet Matters

Internet Matters poster 

Internet Matters website

Developing Digital Skills

Link to iDEA.org.uk - an online platform to help children and young people develop their digital skills and earn badges

Parent-Child Contracts for Mobile Phone Use

Example Parent and Child Contract when introducing mobile phones

How-to Guides

How to set up Apple Family Sharing on iPhones

Get Started with Google Family Link

Dove Self-Esteem Project Films

The following short, powerful films by Dove offer valuable insights into what content young people may be accessing on social media, which can have a positive or negative impact on their self-esteem and perception of beauty. This content could be through influencers or AI-generated.

Both films highlight the importance of talking to your children about their social media use, the content they see and the importance of seeking a balance of content or opinions. 



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